Mapping Modernism charts 10 of the influencial designers for the period where you can scroll horizontally to see where these designers were at a point in time & click on the time bars to find out more like a concept map (scroll down for description). You can also see a designer's biography by clicking on their name. Some of the ones I know of being:
Serge Chermayeff
Theo Van Doesburg - De Stijl
E. McKnight Kauffer - his tessalating birds illustration for the underground ads.
& Laszlo Moholy-Nagy
Simliar to my type timeline map.
The exhibition Modernism: Designing a brave New World - 1914 - 1939 was 'the first exhibition to explore the concept of Modernism in depth, rather than restricting itself, as previous exhibitions have, to particular geographical centres or to individual decades. Many forms of art and design are represented in the show. But as befits a period when the debates surrounding how people should live took centre stage, the exhibition focuses on architecture and design. The range of objects – including architectural, interior, furniture, product, graphic and fashion design as well as painting, sculpture, film, photography, prints, collage – reflects the period's emphasis on the unity of the arts and the key role of the fine arts in shaping contemporary visual culture'.
Some of these objects include the Club Chair by Marcel Breuer from the Bauhaus under Walter Gropius's leadership. But also the more graphic genius of Hary Beck's Underground Map that has spawned so many more stylised variations in 1933.
Great Mapping.
Found here: http://www.vam.ac.uk/vastatic/microsites/1331_modernism/mapping_modernism.html
1 comment:
The last 20 years has seen an explosion of work on literary modernism and its cultural and historical contexts. In this innovative study aimed at a general audience, Modernism is a Cultural History explores modernism's struggle with a split
temporal in which the old and the emerging new struggle, and in which, with the horror of the Great War, notions of a traumatic or 'frozen' time emerge. It considers such topics as modernism, market culture and obscurity; the culture of science and technology; politics, economics, eugenics, and sexology; primitiveness and race; cinema and sound recording; gender and modernism; and the study of consciousness and the senses.
social advertising
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