Viz Think 09 - San Jose - 200 dollars discount code DCCX01
Time: February 22, 2009 to February 25, 2009
Location: San Jose, CA
Street: 170 South Market Street 95113
Website or Map: http://www.vizthink.com/
Event Type: conference, workshop
Organized By: ryan coleman & tom crawford
Latest Activity: 26 Jan
Event Description
It’s not long until VizThink 2009 in San Jose, CA and the final details are coming together. They’ve got a beautiful venue, a fantastic roster of facilitators & two and half days of the best visual thinking content available. Their interactive-oriented sessions ensure that you’ll walk away from VizThink with new skills, ideas and inspiration to put to work in your own world. Just register and enter DCCX01 when prompted to get 200 dollar discount applied automatically!
"Attending VizThink provided the tools and inspiration I needed to harness my natural visual thinking. I've already used my new-found skills to more effectively communicate and facilitate product design sessions.
- Josh Jacobson, Yahoo! Inc.
Here’s just a taste of the companies represented by their attendees: Academic &Not-for-Profit The George Washington University, Strategies for the Future, Corporate Adaptive Path, Apple Inc, Procter & Gamble plus many more...
Register Today & Save!
To help people stretch that dollar a little further here is the discount code DCCX01 that will let you cut 200 dollars off the regular registration rate for the VizThink conference. Just register and enter when prompted - your discount will be applied automatically!
Many airlines are having seat sales right now and, while they recommend staying at the conference hotel a quick search of the discount travel sites will find many accommodation deals in the area (w/many hotels under $100/night).
Let Your Friends, Coworkers and Clients Know! (and pass along the discount code too!)
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