Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Edison adapted Obi-Wan's Jedi Interceptor

Took a little bit of working out for how to make the wheels turn cogs to push the wings sideways, as opposed to the jaw on the Oocher & the Cyclops Edison lego model, which was in line with the direction the wheels turned.

The whole wing couldn't go up and down from the weight, might try it on full power to see if it can push the whole wings up and down, but looked good with only the front part/half.

The Edison can line track, so plan to have it following my 5 years olds own drawings. Not too expensive the Edison, much cheaper than lego's MindStorm and probably does as much as that can.

With the lego it was strange to make the logs line up I had to sort of shift the studs from the actual Edison by using the LEGO Plate 1 x 2 with 1 Stud (with Bottom Groove) (3794) and other parts.

The 'cockpit' that houses Obi Wan still opens, just had to shrink the wings slightly, still looked good.

Used the parts from £19.99

Will post again when video the line tracking.

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